Tuesday, March 3, 2015

World Forum for Democracy 2014, Council of Europe

Giorgi Rostiashvili, project manager of Gender Weekends was invited to World Forum for Democracy - the biggest youth event by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France 3-5 November 2014. This event united over 250 young civic activists from more than 80 countries worldwide. The main topic of the forum was the question - Can youth revitalize democracy?! Participants listened to the distinguished guests and consequently had discussions in the hemicycle of the building of the Council of Europe. As Giorgi reckons he got valuable experience in terms of getting new contacts, knowledge and emotions in Strasbourg. Here you can see the video which was an inseparable part of the application for WFD 2014:

You can see more information regarding World Forum for Democracy below:

Applying for EU grant

"Gender Weekends" has just submitted an application for National Training Courses for Human Rights Education with Young People, The program aims at supporting the development of human rights education through youth work and non-formal learning. The courses are organised at the initiative of national organizations or institutions interested in introducing, and developing the provisions and quality on human rights education. The aims and objectives of the project are the following:
  • To prepare young leaders by giving them specific knowledge on human rights, to foster their team working, project planning, public speaking skills.
  • To increase tolerance to the diversity, human rights. To involve young leaders in lifelong learning process.  
  • To increase the level of knowledge of young Georgian civic activists on Gender Equality in connection with their field of interest/occupation/profession.
  • To support spreading information on gender issues among Georgian youth through the social media.

We wish the best of luck to our organization and its supporters :)

Friday, June 13, 2014

Our Participant Co-Organizes the building OSCE Youth Network in Georgia

Our distinguished participant - George Davidoff is one of the organizers (including OSCE, SCIRS, CIU, Youth OSCE,Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia)  of the building OSCE Youth Network in Georgia. The opening ceremony of the project was held on 13th of June 2014 at the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia.

ჩვენი პროექტის გამორჩეული მონაწილე, გიორგი დავიდოვი, საქართველოში ეუთოს ახალგაზრდული ქსელის მშენებლობის თანაორგანიზატორია. პროექტის პრეზენტაცია 2014 წლის 13 ივნისს საქართველოს სპორტისა და ახალგაზრდულ საქმეთა სამინისტროში გაიმართა. ღონისძიების ორგანიზატორებს შორის არიან ეუთოს ახალგაზრდული ქსელი, საქართველოს სპორტისა და ახალგაზრდულ საქმეთა სამინისტრო, კავკასიის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტი და სხვა.

You can see the video:
იხილეთ ვიდეო:


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Congratulations to Mrs. Gotsiridze

ჩვენი პროექტის გამორჩეული სპიკერი, ქალბატონი რუსუდან გოცირიძე, საქართველოს ევანგელურ-ბაპტისტური ეკლესიის ეპისკოპოსი, აშშ-ის სახელმწიფო მდივნის 2014 წლის ქალთა სიმამაცისთვის საერთაშორისო ჯილდოს 2014 წლის გამარჯვებული გახდა!

Our distinguished guest speaker, Rusudan Gotsiridze, the bishop at Georgian Evangel Baptist Church, has become a 2014 International Women of Courage Award Winner!

ოფიციალური წყარო: (Source:)



"Gender Weekends"-ის პროექტის ჯგუფი ულოცავს ქალბატონ რუსუდანს ამ უდიდეს წარმატებას და ყოველივე საუკეთესოს უსურვებს მას ! 
"Gender Weekends" team congratulates Mrs. Gotsiridze this huge success and wishes her all the best!